четверг, 16 декабря 2021 г.

 Blog # 147

Tattoo LEVEN INK - Ace ( face tattoo)

Body - Legacy

Heart in hand - Clover - Heart snatcher ( The Clover - Heart snatcher is a working heart stealing system, that allows you to reach into peoples chests, steal their hearts, eat them, or throw them. The heart will beat in your hands, bleed, and if you touch it, people can see whos heart you stole. With simple gestures, you can grab someone heart that is near you, or.. eat it! Includes bento animations, sounds, and particles, as well as a fully mesh heart. )

Head - LeLutka Nuri Evo X

Accessories - VOBE - Triss Necklace Fatpack,  #MG  - Sassy Girl - Earrings, Yasum - Medira-Tiara

Outfit - VOBE - Ayalla Dress Fatpack

Hair - [Yomi] Vamp

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